Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does High Fliers Academy program work?
High Fliers Academy is a fully online ESL program. English sessions are Mon, Wed, Thurs, each week and lessons are conducted in a virtual classroom on a 1:1 ratio.
Q: What can I get help with?
Students get help with Pronouncing, Understanding Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Literacy, Reading Comprehension, OPIC/TOEIC test preparations, and more.
Q: How do I contact the teacher?
Students can contact the teacher via email or phone with the information provided on the website.
Q: When is High Fliers Academy available?
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5PM-8PM EST. Our services are closed on major holidays.
Q: Can I work with the same teacher?
Yes, you work with the same teacher for each sessions.
Q: Can I review my previous sessions?
Previous sessions can be reviewed.
Q: **Can I makeup a missed session?
Makeup sessions will be given at no cost. However, a $15 fee will be assessed if student does not cancel with proper notification, 24hrs prior to his/her class time.
Q: How many students are in a session at a time?
There is 1 student in a session.
Q: What is the minimum time to work with a teacher?
Minimum time to work with a teacher is 30 minutes per lesson.
**The amount of make up classes given, depends on the amount of lessons you've missed for the number of lessons you are registered for... Example: 5 lessons/ 2 missed classes are allowed for a make up class at the end of the program.